The Connection Between Oxidative Stress And Autism

What Is Oxidative Stress? Recent studies by medical experts in autism have found a link between autism and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants, resulting in damage to cell by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen species include oxygen ions, free radicals and…

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Oxidative Stress the main culprit of many Diseases.

AS WE ROUNDED THE CORNER INTO THE TWENTY- FIRST CENTURY, physicians and medical researchers took special note of the state of health and medical care in the United States and the industrialized world. Looking back over a century gone by, the comparisons of diseases are remarkable. In the early 1900s…

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10 Reasons to Drink Electrolyzed reduced water

Studies support hydrogen infused water has amazing antioxidant properties.  1. Your Skin – Molecular hydrogen is considered a novel antioxidant for combating oxidative damage in skin and promoting a youthful appearance. Japanese subjects showed significant improvements in neck wrinkles after bathing in H2 for 90 days. 2. Your Fat  Drinking molecular…

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Different use of Electrolyzed reduced water ( ERW )

Type of Electrolyzed reduced water ( ERW ) Drinking water                 pH 8.5 to 9.5 Beauty Water                   pH 4.5 to 5.5 ( not for drinking ) Strong Acid                       pH 2.7 & Lower Strong Alkaline Water    pH 11 and up ( not for drinking ) Drinking Water—pH 8.5 to 9.5 Revitalizes tissues Promotes…

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One Gift for Your Generations

As we read earlier Water is the basis for all your body fluids including blood, lymph, and digestive fluids. It is critical for the transportation and absorption of nutrients as well as for the elimination of waste. Water also regulates body temperature, it lubricates joints, it cushions organs, and it moistens…

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Skin and Radiation

Hydrogen water intake via tube-feeding for patients with pressure ulcer   Pressure ulcer (PU) is common in immobile elderly patients, and there are some research works to investigate a preventive and curative method, but not to find sufficient effectiveness. The aim of this study is to clarify the clinical effectiveness…

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Nervous system

Molecular hydrogen inhalation in acute cerebral ischemia patients   In animal experiments, use of molecular hydrogen (H2) has been regarded as quite safe and effective, showing benefits in multiple pathological conditions such as ischemia-reperfusion injury of the brain, heart, kidney and transplanted tissues, traumatic and surgical injury of the brain…

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Effectiveness of oral and topical hydrogen for sports-related soft tissue injuries   Because hydrogen therapy has been found beneficial for the treatment of inflammation, ischemia-reperfusion injury, and oxidative stress in humans, it seems useful to evaluate the effects of exogenously administered hydrogen as an element in the immediate management of…

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Metabolism / Diabetes

Breath hydrogen produced by ingestion of commercial hydrogen water   This study compared how and to what extent ingestion of hydrogen water and milk increase breath hydrogen in adults. Five subjects without specific diseases, ingested distilled or hydrogen water and milk as a reference material that could increase breath hydrogen.…

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Transperitoneal administration of hydrogen suppress peritoneal and systemic oxidative stress Oxidative Damage Helps Cause Diabetes Both types of diabetics display increased levels of reactive oxygen species such as free radicals; for this reason, the onset of diabetes is closely associated with oxidative stress (R). Damaged protein is a contributing factor…

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