
Hydrogen-rich water as ergogenic agent. Possible appliance of effective and safe alkalizing agent in the treatment of metabolic acidosis could be of particular interest to humans experiencing an increase in plasma acidity, such as exercise-induced acidosis. In the present study authors tested the hypothesis that the daily oral intake of…

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Hydrogen-rich water and quality of life in cancer patients receiving radiotherapy Cancer patients receiving radiotherapy often experience fatigue and impaired quality of life (QOL). Many side effects of radiotherapy are believed to be associated with increased oxidative stress and inflammation due to the generation of reactive oxygen species during radiotherapy.…

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What are antioxidants?

God did not leave us defenseless against the onslaught of free radicals. In fact, when I look at the intricate complexity of our antioxidant defense system, I have great appreciation of how marvelously and wonderfully we are made. We actually have our own army of antioxidants, which are able to…

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Life in a fish bowl.

Why Detoxify Now? A hundred years ago cancer was a rare occurrence, killing less than 1 in 100. Today, cancer kills 1 in 4. Some 90% of all cancer cases can be traced to pollution, diet and stress. Today, it is estimated that by the time a person is 18,…

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A new science of getting health ER water.

Introduction: Electrochemically Reduced Water is beneficial for health One of the earliest observations about the unique healing properties of water was first witnessed by residents in small villages around the world whose primary water source came from snow-capped, mountain runoff streams. The Alps, the Himalayan and Caucasus mountains have historically…

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Acidosis And Superhydration

What Is Acidosis? Whether playing sports or exercising, you are consuming more oxygen and metabolizing energy through muscle work. This process creates free radicals, lactic acid and a mild metabolic acidosis. Have you ever exercised and felt like you were going to puke?  Your body goes into a process of…

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Basic Physiology of Life Style Disease ?

According to Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg 1931 Nobel Prize Winner, many diseases thrive in an acidic environment Biochemist Otto Heinrich Warburg, one of the twentieth century’s leading cell biologists, discovered that the root cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, meaning that the pH, potential hydrogen, in…

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