Electrolyzed Reduced Water ( ERW )
*1000+ papers Preliminary scientific studies already publish
More than 70% of your body is water.
Main functions, Temperature regulation, Cellular function, Waste removal.
Is your Drinking Water doing this ?
Acidosis And Super Hydration.
Now, Manage Lactic Acid & Get Super Hydrated at a Same Time.
Your Way to a Live Longer Life.
"Its effect on the regeneration of the body is almost miraculous, which I also observed when treating cancer patients. Medicine, let alone the public, has not yet come to recognise it. "
It’s Time to return to your origin.
Contact Us for A Live Demonstration of ER Water and Its Global Franchises Program.
Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.
What is Antioxidants and their amazing power ?
Antioxidants can prevent or slow cell damage. An “antioxidant” is actually not a substance; it's a behavior. Any compound that can donate electrons and counteract free radicals has antioxidant properties.
Different use of Electrolyzed reduced water .
Because Electrolyzed-Reduced Water (ERW) contains so many active hydrogen molecules, it is able to act as a powerful antioxidant that searches out and destroys free radicals, called reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Importance of Good Diet
Your food choices each day affect your health — how you feel today, tomorrow, and in the future
Life in a fish bowl.
Think of your environment as a fish bowl. If the water is not changed or filtered regularly,