3 Glass bowls
pH 8.5 Drinking Water
pH 9.0 Drinking Water
pH 9.5 Drinking Water
Fill each of the 3 bowls with the various waters and place in the spot your pet would normally find water. Now just watch to see the one they choose, because that is the correct pH for your pet.
My dogs consistently choose pH 9.5 drinking water, but cats generally choose pH 8.5 drinking water. This is consistent with the natural pH of their food and bodies.
Remember the antioxidant properties of the water dissipate rather quickly when exposed to air, so use smaller bowls and replace the water several times each day.
Many animals suffering with digestive disorders, skin disorders, parasitic infections and arthritis have been helped dramatically when their water was switched to high quality ionized water.
Skin infections, rashes and itchy skin should be treated in the same manner as human skin.
If you find your pet excessively licking, chewing on their paws or picking out feathers, it may be a sign of allergies. Since their hair, fur or feathers are fantastic places for pollen to collect, your pet is then exposed to more allergens during the course of their natural self-grooming. In these instances either mist and dry or simply wipe your pet down with a cloth that has been dampened with pH 5.5 mildly acidic water 2-3 times per day until their excessive behavior subsides. As a part of your regular routine, wiping the coat down 1 -2 times per week is a great way to prevent allergens from becoming a problem.
One of my dogs is a champion show dog. During her outings into the show ring I was often told that my furry baby was the best conditioned dog in the ring! My other dog is a rescued “blend” and his coat is a real challenge. So when I get these great compliments, I know it’s because these grooming tips work so effectively!
Remember that your dog or cat’s coats are only healthy and shiny when your pets are healthy. So start with fresh drinking water daily and feed them a diet rich in organic fruits, veggies and meats.
Warm pH 4-6 Mildly Acidic Water
Spray Bottle
Appropriate Combs and Brushes
Organic Mild Shampoo
1 Cup to Quart pH 11.5 Strongly Alkaline Water
Organic Conditioner Tub Towels
Hair Dryer with cool air setting
Step 1– Prepare to bathe your pet by collecting pH 4-6 water from the gray hose and store it in gallon jars until you have enough water, or make fresh mildly acidic water. Before the bath warm the stored water slightly to make it more comfortable.
Step 2 – Most skin irritations are either created or exacerbated by excess shampoo left on the skin. Diluting the shampoo with water makes it easier to wash the whole animal while avoiding the use of excessive amounts of shampoo. Premix the shampoo by adding 1 teaspoon shampoo to 1 cup pH 11.5 water. This is enough for a very small dog, so the larger your dog the more solution you will need to create. For my very furry medium sized dog I use 1 tablespoon of shampoo thoroughly mixed into 3 cups pH 11.5 water.
Step 3 – Saturate the entire coat with diluted shampoo mix and lather well.
Step 4 – Rinse thoroughly with pH 4-6 mildly acidic water.
Step 5 – For long hair cats and dogs, conditioning may be necessary. Combine 1 teaspoon conditioner with 1 cup pH 4-6 mildly acidic water (enough for a small dog) and saturate hair, massaging into coat.
Step 6 – Rinse thoroughly with pH 4-6 mildly acidic water.
Step 7 – Towel dry then blow dry on a cool setting. Never use hot air to dry your animals. It is much too drying to their skin. Always avoid their ears, eyes and nose. Animals are much more sensitive to drying air and the noise of the hair dryers.
Step 8 – Never brush or comb a wet animal. Allow the coat to naturally air dry or dry with a blow dryer until just damp. This is the ideal state for brushing. Brushing or combing while wet will stretch and break the hair. This is more important to keep in mind on long haired animals.
Step 9 – For regular brushing and grooming I fill a spray misting bottle with pH 4-6 mildly acidic water and use it to dampen their coats and brush as usual. It is always most effective to brush against the normal growth pattern to gently remove loose hair.
These darkened stains on light colored coats are both unsightly and difficult to manage. It is often a sign of a pH imbalance. So the logical place to begin is with your dog’s drinking water!
Beyond changing the water the next step is to thoroughly bathe your dog.
Before preparing the pH 4-6 Mild Acid Water for the bath, pre-treat the stained areas with pH 11.5 highly alkaline water.
After bathing and brushing your dog, continue to clean the affected areas at least 1 time per day with a soft cloth dipped in highly alkaline water. This will eventually fade the tear stains and prevent them from becoming a problem in the future.
While cats tend to have less problems with tooth decay and gum disease, dogs require regular dental care.
Toothbrush – you can either use a regular adult toothbrush for medium to large dogs, a child’s toothbrush for small dogs or a special brush that fits on your finger. These are especially helpful for dogs that are hesitant to let you brush their teeth.
pH 2.5 strongly acidic water
pH 11.5 highly alkaline water ph 9.5 drinking water
Bulb syringe for small to medium dogs and a turkey baster for large and extra large dogs.
Step 1 – Fill bulb syringe with pH 2.5 strongly acidic water and irrigate along the entire gum line.
Step 2 – Saturate toothbrush in pH 2.5 strongly acidic water. Begin brushing on the outside of
the teeth. Dip brush into the water frequently. Move to the inside of the mouth, taking time to
brush thoroughly. If your pet isn’t used to regular brushing, you may have to start with only 1 quadrant a day and work your way to a full mouth brushing.
Step 3 – Fill bulb syringe with pH 11.5 highly alkaline water and irrigate along the entire gum line as well as between teeth.
Step 4 – Fill bulb syringe with pH 9.5 drinking water and irrigate mouth to rebalance natural pH.
If your pet has gum disease or tooth decay, it is imperative that you brush their teeth every day until the problem resolves. This could take several weeks or even months depending upon the overall health of your pet and the level of dental disease.
For regular maintenance of healthy teeth and gums, brushing 1 -2 times per week is adequate. It’s a great idea to begin brushing and overall oral care as soon as you get your puppy or kitten. It’s far easier to train them from a young age rather than waiting until they are more advanced in age and set in their ways … cat owners, you know what I mean.
NOTE – if teeth have significant tarter build up, it’s a great idea to make an appointment for a thorough teeth cleaning. Small breeds tend to be at a greater risk for gum disease and tooth loss, so they should have their teeth brushed more often than medium or large dogs. Cats generally only need to have their teeth brushed as they age.
Source :-Dr. Peggy Parker, Naturopathic Physician, Biological Medicine expert