The Connection Between Oxidative Stress And Autism

What Is Oxidative Stress?

Recent studies by medical experts in autism have found a link between autism and oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is defined as an imbalance between pro-oxidants and anti-oxidants, resulting in damage to cell by reactive oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen species include oxygen ions, free radicals and peroxides.
There are evidences to show that autistic children have a high level of oxidative stress such as those done by Dr S. Jill James, Woody R. McGinnis, MD and other medical experts. They have also discovered that autistic children have deficits in antioxidant capacity to counter the high level of oxidative stress in their body and hence a lower detoxification capacity. Extensive studies have suggested that oxidative stress may be the cause of many diseases such as cancer and neurological disorders such as schizophrenia and Alzheimer disease as it damages cells and its DNA causing them to mutate and degenerate.
What this means is that if a high level of oxidative stress is a cause for autism and other neurological disorders, then it further suggested that by reducing oxidative stress among the patients or by increasing the body’s ability to increase the levels of antioxidants in the body to counter oxidative stress via nutritional interventions may be a possible treatment of autism and other brain diseases. This further implied that consuming hydrogen-rich water (high anti-oxidative effects) with high antioxidant properties or detoxifying properties may be a possible treatment for those suffering from autism and other brain disorders.
The reports support hydrogen-rich water or reduced water as a therapy for treating autism.
 In his report, Hydrogen as a novel hypothesized emerging treatment for oxidative stress in autism by researcher Ahmad Ghanizadeh it was suggested that hydrogen water may be a potential therapy for reducing oxidative stress in autistic children. Read full report here.
H2 has a number of advantages as a potential antioxidant: H2 rapidly diffuses into tissues and cells, and it is mild enough neither to disturb metabolic redox reactions nor to affect reactive oxygen species (ROS) that function in cell signaling, thereby, there should be little adverse effects of consuming H2. There are several methods to ingest or consume H2, including inhaling hydrogen gas, drinking H2-dissolved water (hydrogen water), taking a hydrogen bath, injecting H2-dissolved saline (hydrogen saline), dropping hydrogen saline onto the eye, and increasing the production of intestinal H2 by bacteria. Since the publication of the first H2 paper in Nature Medicine in 2007, the biological effects of H2 have been confirmed by the publication of more than 38 diseases, physiological states and clinical tests in leading biological/medical journals, and several groups have started clinical examinations. Moreover, H2 shows not only effects against oxidative stress, but also various anti- inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. H2 regulates various gene expressions and protein-phosphorylations, though the molecular mechanisms underlying the marked effects of very small amounts of H2 remain elusive. 

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About Dr S. Jill James

Dr S. Jill James is the expert in the study of the metabolic biomarkers of autism and genetic  factors that may be mechanistically involved in the pathogenesis of autism at ACHRI. She works atArkansas Children’s Hospital Research Institute, where she is the director of the Metabolic Genomics Laboratory, as well as theUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Sciences’s department of pediatrics, where she has worked since 2002
She and her  team have found in three independent case-control studies that plasma levels of metabolites important for detoxification and antioxidant capacity are significantly decreased in the children  with autism relative to age-matched controls. This decrease in antioxidant/detoxification capacity was associated with evidence of oxidative DNA damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in immune  cells suggesting that children with autism may be more vulnerable to environmental factors that  increase oxidative stress. More recently, she and her team have investigated brain tissues derived  from individuals with autism and have found similar deficits in antioxidant capacity and evidence  of brain inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction in the autistic brain compared to unaffected

Further Readings:  

About effect of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Oxidative Stress 

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